Semiconductor quantum dots, due to their small size, mark the transition be
tween molecular and solid-state regimes, and are often described as 'artifi
cial atoms' (refs 1-3). This analogy originates from the early work on quan
tum confinement effects in semiconductor nanocrystals, where the electronic
wavefunctions are predicted(4) to exhibit atomic-like symmetries, for exam
ple 's' and 'p'. Spectroscopic studies of quantum dots have demonstrated di
screte energy level structures and narrow transition linewidths(5-9), but t
he symmetry of the discrete states could be inferred only indirectly. Here
we use cryogenic scanning tunnelling spectroscopy to identify directly atom
ic-like electronic states with s and p character in a series of indium arse
nide nanocrystals. These states are manifest in tunnelling current-voltage
measurements as two- and six-fold single-electron-charging multiplets respe
ctively, and they follow an atom-like Aufbau principle of sequential energy
level occupation(10).