Oxygenic photosynthesis is widely accepted as the most important bioenerget
ic process happening in Earth's surface environment(1). It is thought to ha
ve evolved within the cyanobacterial lineage, but it has been difficult to
determine when it began. Evidence based on the occurrence and appearance of
stromatolites(2) and microfossils' indicates that phototrophy occurred as
long ago as 3,465 Myr although no definite physiological inferences can be
he made from these objects. Carbon isotopes and other geological phenomena(
4,5) provide clues but are also equivocal, Biomarkers are potentially usefu
l because the three domains of extant life-Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya-ha
ve signature membrane lipids with recalcitrant carbon skeletons. These lipi
ds turn into hydrocarbons in sediments and can be found wherever the record
is sufficiently well preserved. Here we show that 2-methylbacteriohopanepo
lyols occur in a high proportion of cultured cyanobacteria and cyanobacteri
al mats, Their 2-methylhopane hydrocarbon derivatives are abundant in organ
ic-rich sediments as old as 2,500 Myr. These biomarkers may help constrain
the age of the oldest cyanobacteria and the advent of oxygenic photosynthes
is. They could also be used to quantify the ecological importance of cyanob
acteria through geological time.