Advances in genetics and molecular biology have provided an extensive body
of information on the structure and function of the elementary building blo
cks of living systems. Genetic defects in membrane ion channels can disrupt
the delicate balance of dynamic interactions between the ion channels and
the cellular environment, leading to altered cell function(1-3). As ion-cha
nnel defects are typically studied in isolated expression systems, away fro
m the cellular environment where they function physiologically, a connectio
n between molecular findings and the physiology and pathophysiology of the
cell is rarely established. Here we describe a single-channel-based Markovi
an modelling approach that bridges this gap. We achieve this by determining
the cellular arrhythmogenic consequences of a mutation in the cardiac sodi
um channel that can lead to a clinical arrhythmogenic disorder (the long-QT
syndrome) and sudden cardiac death.