We address the issue of fluctuations, about an exponential line shape, in a
pair of one-dimensional kicked quantum systems exhibiting dynamical locali
zation. An exact renormalization scheme establishes the fractal character o
f the fluctuations and provides a method to compute the localization length
in terms of the fluctuations. In the case of a linear rotor, the fluctuati
ons are independent of the kicking parameter k and exhibit self-similarity
for certain values of the quasienergy. For given k,the asymptotic localizat
ion length is a good characteristic of the localized line shapes for all qu
asienergies. This is in stark contrast to the quadratic rotor, where the fl
uctuations depend upon the strength of the kicking and exhibit local "reson
ances." These resonances result in strong deviations of the localization le
ngth from the asymptotic value. The consequences are particularly pronounce
d when considering the time evolution of a packet made up of several quasie
nergy states. [S1063-651X(99)09807-4].