Hormonal therapy and gender-confirming surgery are the treatments of choice
in appropriately selected male-to-female transsexuals. Penectomy and vagin
oplasty are the paramount surgical requests of the male transsexual, but br
east enlargement greatly increases subjective feelings of femininity. There
are only limited reports on augmentation mammaplasty in male transsexuals,
and hardly any attention has been paid to the differences between the fema
le mammary anatomy and its male counterpart.
The basic anatomic and surgical considerations of augmentation mammaplasty
for 201 male-to-female transsexuals who were operated on from 1979 to 1997
are reviewed and discussed. They include the differences between male and f
emale anatomy and how to feminize the male chest, the results of hormonal t
herapy and the proper timing of surgery, the choice of implant size and sur
gical approach, the results that may be expected after surgery, and the imp
lications of all mentioned on the long-term outcome and follow-up after aug
mentation mammaplasty. Because the referring doctor may not check on the br
easts or may not be trained to examine augmented breasts for pathologic con
ditions, the mammaplastic surgeon has an obligation to ensure the proper fo
llow-up of these patients.