We have used a physical and structural approach to study the mechanical beh
avior of monoporous (Theta = 5-45%) and biporous (Theta = 45-70%) nickel po
wder at room temperature within the strain range 10(-5) to 5.10(-3). We hav
e shown that for both low porosity and high porosity materials, the true mi
croyield curves depend on the hardening provided by grain boundaries or int
erparticle boundaries. We found effects connected with the geometrical stru
cture of the materials under investigation. The increase in the deforming s
tresses in the base metal material when the porosity is greater than 25% ca
n be explained by the peculiarities of the stress states in the interpartic
le connections. The softening effect, which depends mainly on the porosity
of the powder subsystem, is related to initiation of cracks in the initial
phases of microyield.