Disease discordance of 50% in monozygotic twins implicates genetic and envi
ronmental factors in the aetiology of schizophrenia. Autoimmune diseases ar
e HLA associated and are thought to occur when a genetically predisposed in
dividual is exposed to an essential, probably viral, environmental trigger.
We have reported an excess of autoimmune diseases in the first degree rela
tives of schizophrenic patients, an excess of second trimester influenza in
fections in the mothers of schizophrenic patients, and a deficiency of HLA
DRB1*04 alleles in the mothers of schizophrenic patients and in schizophren
ic patients themselves. We have therefore hypothesised that maternal immuno
genetic predisposition interacts with the influenza virus to cause neurodev
elopmental lesions which manifest in adulthood as schizophrenia. Our work r
aises the possibility of an (immuno)genetic predisposition to schizophrenia
at pedigree, maternal, and proband level.