It has been observed an increasing discrepancy between the supply and deman
d of cadaveric organs for transplantation for a few years, particularly in
renal transplantation. For this living organ donation will occupy an lastin
g place also in Germany. The new regulation organ donatio and transplantati
on in Germany provides a legal protection and prohibits all forms of organ
trading. First of all the transplant team have to take into consideration m
edical and psychological aspects of donor and recipient but a detailed enli
ghtenment of the pair concerning risks, complications and long term outcome
is important as well.
In this paper is introduced the enlightenment procedure and the common decl
aration of donor and recipient of the transplant center Jena. The authors c
onclude, that living organ donation is not a problem after intensive prepar
ation and enlightenment of donor and recipient with the new Transplant Law
in the background.