The causes of Datura intoxication include medication overdose, misuse of ed
ible vegetables, deliberate abuse as a hallucinogen, homicidal or robbery a
nd accidental intoxication from contaminated food. We report an incident of
14 people with Datura intoxication caused by ingesting wild Datura suaveol
ans for food. The incubation period was 15 to 30 min. The symptoms/signs we
re dizziness, dry mouth, flushed skin, palpitation, nausea, drowsiness, tac
hycardia, blurred vision, mydriasis, hyperthermia, disorientation, vomiting
, agitation, delirium, urine retention, hypertension and coma. Three patien
ts were hospitalized for 2-3 days. Thirteen persons received supportive flu
id therapy. One patient did not receive medical therapy, he induced vomitin
g and drank a lot of water. Four patients presented with deliurim/coma and
3 received physostigmine therapy with good response. One patient was intuba
ted because of coma and respiratory depression. Three persons needed Foley
catheterization for urine retention or coma status. One patient had a compl
ication of urinary tract infection and antibiotic management. All patients
recovered with no sequelae.