Na. Berezina, Peculiarities of development of macrozoobenthos communities under influence of Dreissena polymorpha Pall in experimental mezocosms, ZH OBS BIOL, 60(2), 1999, pp. 189-198
To estimate the influence of Dreissena polymorpha as a biotic factor on the
main groups of macrozoobenthos the author studies the structure of benthos
communities in artificial strictly controlled ecosystems (mezocosms) with
Dreissena (1 kg/m(2)) and without it. The investigations were carried out i
n period from 30 May to 5 September 1994 in Sample trays (16 m(2)) near Ryb
inskoe storage pond. The level of faunistic similarity of macrozoobenthos c
ommunities of studied mezocosms was 67%. Chironomidae dominates by the numb
er of taxa, following species were constantly observed: Lymnaeae ovata, L.
stagnalis, Valvata depressa, Euglesa obtusalis, Chironomus annularius; Poly
pedilum bicrenatum, Tanytersus gr. holochlorus, Cladopelma viridula, Glypto
tendipes glaucus; Uncinais uncinata, Batracobdella palludosa. The influence
of D. polymorpha causes the increase in species variability of communities
, the strengthining the role of detritovores and predators, increase in num
ber, biomass and productivity of benthos communities, inhibition of other f
iltrate molluscs. The influence of D. polymorpha on benthoic organisms is r
elated to their feeding strategy. Dreissena stimulates the development of d
etritovores enriching substrate by organic substances and depressed the dev
elopment of filtrators competing with them for food.