The objective of this study was to determine common practices for testing f
or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), particularly in patients with other
sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in emergency departments (ED) with resi
dency training in Emergency Medicine, Via mail, 112 directors of academic e
mergency medicine programs in the United States were surveyed. Surveys from
95 academic institutions were completed, returned, and included in the ana
lysis. Three EDs (3%) routinely tested for HIV in patients with suspected S
TD, HIV testing was performed in the ED in 54% of responding institutions u
nder special circumstances such as employee testing after occupational expo
sures (54%), cases of rape (46%), and suspicion of HIV infection by clinica
l manifestations other than suspected STD (36%). Based on the results it wa
s determined that academic EDs do not routinely test for HIV in patients su
spected of having a STD and have variable testing practices and policies re
garding other possible HIV exposures. Copyright (C) 1999 by W.B. Saunders C