OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of chronic diarrhea in patients with type I and t
ype II diabetes is uncertain, most data being available from tertiary refer
ral centers. We report the prevalence and etiology of chronic diarrhea in 8
61 heterogeneous diabetic patients attending a primary care diabetic outpat
ient clinic.
METHODS: All patients attending the clinic were asked to fill in a question
naire relating to their bowel habits. Patients who fulfilled the criteria f
or chronic diarrhea underwent a comprehensive workup to define the cause of
the diarrhea. Additional parameters were the mean duration of diabetes, he
moglobin-A1c levels, and the presence of autonomic neuropathy.
RESULTS: Chronic diarrhea was diagnosed in 32 patients (overall prevalence
of 3.7%). The prevalence of nondiabetic diarrhea was higher among type I di
abetic patients than among type II patients (3.29% vs 2.3%), although it di
d not reach statistical significance. Diabetic diarrhea was more common amo
ng type I than type Il diabetic patients (5.2% vs 0.4%, respectively, p < 0
.01). The most common cause of nondiabetic diarrhea was medication induced
CONCLUSIONS: Chronic diarrhea is more frequent in type I diabetic patients.
The higher prevalence of diarrhea in this population can be attributed to
diabetic diarrhea (which is quite rare in type II patients). The most commo
n cause of nondiabetic diarrhea is drug therapy with metformin. (Am J Gastr
oenterol 1999;94:2165-2170. (C) 1999 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology).