To assess the genetic diversity in Cryptosporidium parvum,,ve have sequence
d the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene of seven Cryptosporidium spp., various
isolates of C. parvum from eight hosts, and a Cryptosporidium isolate from
a desert monitor. Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU rRNA sequences confirmed
the multispecies nature of the genus Cryptosporidium, with at least four d
istinct species (C. parvum, C. baileyi, C, muris, and C. serpentis). Other
species previously defined by biologic characteristics, including C. wrairi
, C. meleagridis, and C. felis, and the desert monitor isolate, clustered t
ogether or within C. parvum. Extensive genetic diversities were present amo
ng C. parvum isolates from humans, calves, pigs, dogs, mice, ferrets, marsu
pials, and a monkey. In general, specific genotypes were associated with sp
ecific host species. A PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism techniq
ue previously developed by us could differentiate most Cryptosporidium spp.
and C. parvum genotypes, but sequence analysis of the PCR product was need
ed to differentiate C.,wrairi and C. meleagridis from some of the C. parvum
genotypes. These results indicate a need for revision in the taxonomy and
assessment of the zoonotic potential of some animal C. parvum isolates.