Thermoelectroelastic problems for holes of various shapes embedded in an in
finite matrix are considered in this paper. Based on Lekhnitskii's formalis
m, the technique of conformal mapping and the exact electric boundary condi
tions on the hole boundary, the thermoelectroelastic Green's function has b
een obtained analytically in terms of a complex potential. As an applicatio
n of the proposed function, the problem of an infinite plate containing a c
rack and a hole is analysed. A system of singular integral equations for th
e unknown temperature discontinuity and the discontinuity of elastic displa
cement and electric potential (EDEP) defined on crack faces is developed an
d solved numerically. Numerical results for stress and electric displacemen
t (SED) intensity factors of the crack-hole system are presented to illustr
ate the application of the proposed formulation.