Paradoxically, oncogenes and growth factors can induce proliferation and pr
omote cellular survival but can also cause apoptosis and growth arrest. Wha
t determines whether a cell decides to proliferate, arrest growth, or die?
Mitogens and activators of mitogen-activated pathways initiate the simultan
eous production of proliferative (cyclins) and anti-proliferative (CDK inhi
bitors such as p21WAF1/ CIP1) signals. Quiescent cells may respond to these
signals by proliferation whereas proliferating cells may respond by growth
arrest. Although pro-apoptotic oncoproteins, which constitute the downstre
am pathway (cyclin D, E2F, c-myc) directly induce proliferation, the activa
tion of the upstream steps (growth factor receptors, Ras, cytoplasmic kinas
es) is required to prevent apoptosis. BioEssays 21,704-709, 1999. (C) 1999
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.