The concept of monophyly is central to much of modern biology. Despite many
efforts over many years, important questions remain unanswered that relate
both to the concept itself and to its various applications. This essay foc
uses primarily on four of these: i) Is it possible to define monophyly oper
ationally, specifically with respect to both the structures of genomes and
at the levels of the highest phylogenetic categories (kingdoms, phyla, clas
ses)? ii) May the mosaic and chimeric structures of genomes be sufficiently
important factors in phylogeny that situations exist in which the concept
may not be applicable? iii) In the history of life on earth were there impo
rtant groups of organisms that probably had polyphyletic, rather than monop
hyletic, origins? iv) Does the near universal search for monophyletic origi
ns of clades lead, on occasion, to both undesirable narrowing of acceptable
options for development of evolutionary scenarios and sometimes actual omi
ssion from consideration of less conventional types of both data and modes
of thought, possibly at the expense of biological understanding? Three sect
ions in the essay consider possible answers to these questions: i) A reasse
ssment is made of major features of both the concept and some of its applic
ations. Recent research results make it seem improbable that there could ha
ve been single basal forms for many of the highest categories of evolutiona
ry differentiation (kingdoms, phyla, classes). The universal tree of life p
robably had many roots. Facts contributing to this perception include the p
hylogenetically widespread occurrences of: horizontal transfers of plasmids
, viral genomes, and transposons; multiple genomic duplications; the existe
nce and properties of large numbers of gene families and protein families;
multiple symbioses; broad-scale hybridizations; and multiple homoplasys. Ne
xt, justifications are reassessed for the application of monophyletic frame
works to two major evolutionary developments usually interpreted as having
been monophyletic: ii) the origins of life; and iii) the origins of the ver
tebrate tetrapods. For both cases polyphyletic hypotheses are suggested as
more probable than monophyletic hypotheses. Major conclusions are, as answe
rs to the four questions posed above: probably not, yes, yes, and yes.