The deferral of ambiguity resolution has been thought to be an important co
mponent of creativity. The time course of priming of dominant and subordina
te meanings of ambiguous words was investigated using a divided visual fiel
d priming paradigm with subjects that varied on a measure of creativity. Th
e Wallach-Kogan similarities subtest was used to group 72 subjects into thr
ee levels of verbal creativity to compare their performance on the ambiguit
y resolution task (Burgess & Simpson, 1988a). Results suggest that both the
left and right hemispheres contribute to the maintenance of multiple word
meanings in highly creative subjects, while less creative subjects show sus
tained subordinate priming only in the right hemisphere or no sustained sub
ordinate priming. These results support an interactive, collaborative theor
y of verbal creativity (Bogen & Bogen, 1969) and suggest that there are imp
ortant individual differences that expand on the basic time course model of
hemispheric processing (Burgess & Simpson, 1988a). (C) 1999 Academic Press