Objectives-During formula 1 driving, repetitive cumulative trauma may provo
ke nerve disorders such as nerve compression syndrome as well as osteoligam
ent injuries. A study based on interrogatory and clinical examination of 22
drivers was carried out during the 1998 formula 1 World Championship in or
der to better define the type and frequency of these lesions.
Methods-The questions investigated nervous symptoms, such as paraesthesia a
nd diminishment of sensitivity, and osteoligamentous symptoms, such as pain
, specifying the localisation (ulnar side, dorsal aspect of the wrist, snuf
f box) and the effect of the wrist position on the intensity of the pain. C
linical examination was carried out bilaterally and symmetrically.
Results-Fourteen of the 22 drivers reported symptoms. One suffered cramp in
his hands at the end of each race and one described a typical forearm effo
rt compartment syndrome. Six drivers had effort "osteoligamentous" symptoms
: three scapholunate pain; one medial hyperpcomression of the wrist; two se
quellae of a distal radius fracture. Seven reported nerve disorders: two ef
fort carpal tunnel syndromes; one typical carpal tunnel syndrome; one effor
t cubital tunnel syndrome; three paraesthesia in all fingers at the end of
a race, without any objective signs.
Conclusions-This appears to be the first report of upper extremity disorder
s in competition drivers. The use of a wrist pad to reduce the effects of v
ibration may help to prevent trauma to the wrist in formula 1 drivers.