Background: Diagnostic confusion between thyroid disease and myasthenia gra
vis (MG) can arise because the two may have similar clinical features, and
also because of the more frequent coexistence of these autoimmune disorders
in the same individual. In MG, autoantibodies directed against the acetylc
holine receptor result in muscle weakness. Thymic pathology is well recogni
zed in MG, with thymic hyperplasia frequent in early onset MG and thymoma m
ore common in later onset MG. In Graves' disease, autoantibodies against th
yroid antigens result in hyperthyroidism. A seldom-recognized feature of Gr
ave's disease is the occurrence of an enlarged thymus (thymic hyperplasia)
on chest CT, or of thymic lymphoid hyperplasia pathologically. Case study:
This report describes a case in which the discovery of a mediastinal mass d
uring imaging of the thyroid, and the presence of myasthenic-like symptoms,
in a patient with Graves' disease prompted investigations into whether the
patient also had MG. Results: Despite symptoms which strongly suggested MG
, subsequent investigations did not confirm the diagnosis, and treatment of
Grave's lead to a resolution of the symptoms and regression of the thymic
enlargement seen on CT. Conclusions: The case study highlighted clinical si
milarities between Grave's disease and myasthenia gravis which might cause
diagnostic confusion, and also the investigations which are useful in order
to differentiate the two diseases. In addition to common clinical features
, the autoimmune diseases Grave's disease and myasthenia gravis may both pr
oduce radiological thymic enlargement.