The need for a computationally efficient method of structural re-analysis i
s long-standing. In general traditional methods of analysis have not proved
suitable for the purpose. Recent progress in neural computing technology h
as provided a more suitable background from which to develop a general iter
ative re-analysis method.
A simple neural network architecture conveniently accommodates design chang
es in geometry, element/material properties, topology, applied loading, sup
ports and is therefore suitable for insertion in a combined design/reanalys
is computing environment.
The weight in the neural network represent structural flexibilities and aft
er training a set of weights corresponding to the initial state of the stru
cture, design changes are made as required the network then continues train
ing from the previous state.
Illustrative examples demonstrate that the network approach, whilst conside
rably slower than band-matrix processing, offers considerable advantage in
convenience for the designer. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights res