History and admission findings: A 29-year-old man from Kazakhstan presented
with right-sided chest pain, cough, whitish sputum and a temperature up to
38.5 degrees C. He had been working in an animal farm for the previous two
Investigations: Laboratory tests showed increased inflammatory parameters (
WBC 15.9 gpt/l with an increased proportion of band and segmented granulocy
tes, C-reactive protein (242.3 mg/dl). Chest radiogram showed an infiltrati
on and effusion in the right base judged to be due to pneumonia. In additio
n there was a round homogeneous mass, 2.5 cm in diameter, at the lateral th
oracic wall in the 8(th) lower lobe segment. Computed tomography (CT) of th
e lung and mediastinum confirmed these findings. Bronchoscopy, echocardiogr
aphy, upper abdominal sonography and CT of the skull revealed no other spac
e-occupying lesion.
Diagnosis, treatment and course: The right-sided pneumonia was successfully
treated, at first with ceftriaxone (i.v.), later with ofloxacin (by mouth)
. An echinococcal cyst was considered especially because of the patient's p
rofession in Kazakhstan in the differential diagnosis of the right-sided ro
und mass and confirmed by an indirect haemagglutination test giving an anti
body titre of 1:1024. In response a thoracotomy was performed and the mass,
histologically an echinococcal cyst (E. granulosa), resected. There were n
o other cysts, there was no explanation for the right-sided pneumonia.
Conclusions: Even though Echinococcosis is rare in Central Europe, it shoul
d be included in the differential diagnosis of a round pulmonary mass. A de
tailed history, especially with regard to occupation and country of origin,
is essential. Serological tests for specific Ecchinococcus antibodies, tog
ether with usual imaging procedures, will usually and quickly provide the d