Objective: To analyse the composition of the serous fluid formed after axil
lary dissection
Design: Descriptive study
Setting: University hospital and teaching hospital, The Netherlands
Subjects: 16 patients whose axillas were dissected as part of a modified ra
dical mastectomy for stage I or II breast cancer
Main outcome measures: Chemical and cellular composition of axillary draina
ge fluid on the first, fifth, and tenth postoperative days compared with th
e same constituents in blood and with reported data on the composition of p
eripheral lymph.
Results and conclusion: On the first postoperative day the drainage fluid c
ontained blood contents and a high concentration of creatine phosphokinase
(CPK). After day one it changed to a peripheral lymph-like fluid but contai
ning different cells, more protein, and no fibrinogen, making coagulation i
mpossible. The reduction in the fluid production must be caused by other wo
und healing processes, such as formation of scars and connective tissue.