The objective of this study was to describe high-resolution CT (HRCT) and M
R findings of exogenous Lipoid pneumonia and to correlate them with patholo
gic findings. A retrospective review of the medical records of our institut
ion revealed seven patients with a diagnosis of lipoid pneumonia based on c
linical data, chest films, bronchoalveolar lavage, and follow-up. Both HRCT
and MR imaging were reviewed by two readers. Pathologic examination of the
resected specimen or surgical biopsies were also reviewed in the four avai
lable cases. The HRCT findings were pulmonary consolidations (n = 6) with f
atty (n = 3) or unspecific but low attenuation values (n = 3), areas of gro
und-glass opacities (n = 5), septal lines, and centrilobular interstitial t
hickening (n = 5). In five of the seven cases, a crazy-paving pattern of va
rious spread was also present, either isolated (n = 1) or surrounding a pul
monary consolidation. In two cases traction bronchiectasis and cystic chang
es consistent with fibrosis were seen. At MR imaging (n = 2) a pulmonary co
nsolidation of high signal intensity on T1-weighted image consistent with l
ipid content was present in one case. Pathologic examination (n = 4) showed
the coexistence of lobules with lesions of various ages, sometimes in cont
iguous lobules, within the same patient. Recent lesions were those with alv
eolar fill-in by spumous macrophages and almost normal alveolar walls and s
eptae. In more advanced lesions, lobules were filled in with larger vacuole
s often surrounded by inflammatory infiltrates of alveolar walls, bronchiol
ar walls, and septa. The oldest lesions were characterized by fibrosis and
parenchymal distortion around large lipid-containing vacuoles. The HRCT fin
dings reflect pathologic findings in exogenous lipoid pneumonia. Al;though
non-specific, consolidation areas of low attenuation values and crazy-pavin
g pattern are frequently associated in exogenous lipoid pneumonia and are i
ndicative of the diagnosis.