Current theories still fail to give a satisfactory explanation of the obser
ved quantum phenomena in the relaxation of the magnetisation of the molecul
ar cluster Mn-12 acetate. In the very low-temperature regime, Prokof'ev and
Stamp recently proposed that slowly changing dipolar fields and rapidly fl
uctuating hyperfine fields plap a major role in the tunnelling process. By
means of a faster relaxing minor species of Mn(12)ac and a new experimental
"hole digging" method, we measured the intrinsic linewidth broadening due
to local fluctuating fields, and found strong evidence for the influence of
nuclear spins on resonance tunnelling at very loa temperatures (0.04-0.3 K
). At higher temperature (1.5-4 K), we observed a homogeneous linewidth bro
adening of the resonance transitions being in agreement with a recent calcu
lation of Leuenberger and Loss.