Atrazine concentrations were measured by polyclonal antibody (PAb) and mono
clonal antibody (MAb) ELISAs in methanolic extracts of both laboratory-fort
ified and field samples collected from 12 maize fields. Analysis of 91 soil
samples collected in the Southern Moravian region demonstrated that the EL
ISAs were a reliable screening tool for the determination of atrazine in so
il matrices. A good correlation of results obtained by ELISAs and gas chrom
atography within the concentration range of 0-380 mu g kg(-1) was found in
the samples collected from two maize fields (r PAb ELISA-GC) = 0.97, n = 21
; r (MAb ELISA GC) = 0.94, n = 21]. A somewhat lower correlation was found
for the samples collected from ten additional fields within the concentrati
on range of 0-390 mu g kg(-1) [r(PAb ELISA-GC) = 0.91, n = 15; r(MAb ELISA-
GC) = 0.87, n = 15)]. The results obtained by PAb and MAb ELISAs showed no
significant difference although the sensitivity of the PAb method was by on
e order of magnitude higher than that based on MAb.