The aim of the present study was to explore the experience of stroke surviv
ors and their informal carers of stroke services ia the community, as part
of a pluralistic evaluation of a Pilot Community Stroke Service (PCSS) in N
ottingham, England. The research design involved qualitative in-depth inter
views with four main stakeholder groups in the evaluation, in combination w
ith analyses of varied data sources, including participant observational an
d documentary. In addition to interviews with 57 stroke survivors and their
carers (as appropriate), interviews were conducted with the team of the PC
SS, individually and as a group, and with a range of other workers. The plu
ralistic approach of the evaluation revealed that tensions and social confl
icts at the interface between services, and particularly between health and
social care services, had a negative impact on the quality of life of clie
nts and carers alike, which were experienced as 'setbacks' and which could
be shown to be system induced Such System Induced Setbacks' also had negati
ve consequences for the team of the PCSS, since rather than being: a 'top u
p' service, in such cases it became a 'mop up' service, compensating for th
e shortfall in service provision. Thus its aims and objectives could not: b
e fully realized. It was concluded that pluralistic evaluation had a number
ok: strengths including that, because of its attention to process and soci
al context, if revealed the existence of System induced Setbacks and their
negative and long-term impact on the daily lives of clients and carers, and
on the team of the PCSS, in a way which would not have been possible had a
quantitative approach been used.