Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the pattern of light transmiss
ion through teeth of different species and to examine laser light propagati
on within enamel from various animal sources.
Methodology Sectioned teeth from five species pig, horse, sheep, cat and ra
t - were evaluated. Samples were illuminated individually by a helium-neon
laser light from the buccal surface using a probe 0.5 mm in diameter placed
at varying angles between 60 and 120 degrees C. The pattern of light trans
mission was observed macroscopically. Further evaluation of laser pulpal or
igin. light transmission in enamel was achieved using confocal microscopy.
Results In each species, light was transmitted through the tooth to the pul
p, but in the cat and the rat, light was also transmitted to the far side o
f the tooth. Despite the different patterns of enamel in the species, light
was transmitted through enamel to dentine.
Conclusion Light from a laser Doppler probe appeared to reach the dental pu
lp in all the species; however, in the mammals with smaller teeth, light ma
y also have been able to reach the periodontium and thus the reflected sign
al may not be entirely of dentine.