Using data from a cross-sectional nutrition survey conducted in rural Ethio
pia between March and April 1992, roughly a year after the end of one of th
e longest civil wars in modern human history, this study attempts to docume
nt the magnitude and correlates of childhood undernutrition in Ethiopia. Fi
ndings from the study reveal that, at the time of the survey, 59% of childr
en in the country were exposed to long-term or chronic undernutrition (stun
ted); about 4% were suffering from acute problems (wasted); and about the s
ame proportion were both stunted and wasted. Less than a third of the count
ry's children had normal growth. The logistic-binomial regression results d
emonstrated the existence of significant clustering of risks of undernutrit
ion within areas of residence and notable differentials by age of child, du
ration of breast-feeding, age at introduction of supplementary foods and nu
mber of under-five siblings. Significant variations were also noted by age
of household head, pei capita land holding, religious affiliation and preva
lence of endemic diseases in an area.