The estimated densities of local field-aligned currents related to nighttim
e substorm onset or magnetic impulse events at cusp latitudes may exceed th
e threshold for the excitation of high-frequency turbulence in the topside
ionosphere. The evolution of an ion-acoustic instability is shown to lead t
o quasi-oscillations around the saturation level. Consequent variations in
anomalous conductivity will result in pulsed electron precipitation and noi
se generation in the Pi1 band. This proposed mechanism gives a natural inte
rpretation to the experimentally observed coupling between localized magnet
ic disturbances, electron precipitation/acceleration, and bursts of high-fr
equency ULF noise. The alternative interpretations based on mechanisms of i
on cyclotron instability stimulation and ionospheric Alfven resonator excit
ation can be applied only under specific plasma conditions.