Sustainable management of economically important squid requires monitoring
of changes in their abundance, which are related inter alia, to their succe
ss in the food chain. The highest mortality is expected in the paralarval s
tages, which are prone to starvation. Causes of starvation may be linked to
the lack of suitable prey. A multiple detection system was developed for t
he simultaneous identification of five putative zooplankton prey in the gut
s of paralarval Chokka squid, Loligo vulgaris reynaudii, by employing polyc
lonal rabbit antisera in conjunction with solid phase immunoassays. Specifi
cities of antisera were validated by ELISA screening against different zoop
lankton taxa. Cross-reactions observed with ELISA were minimized through ma
nipulation of antibody and antigen concentrations resulting in more specifi
c detection of target prey antigens when used in an immunodot assay. Applic
ation of this optimised immunoassay detected multiple predation in paralarv
al squid samples collected from diverse areas in the Agulhas Bank ecosystem
on the south coast of South Africa.