Magnetic relaxation in Ni nanowires was measured both on single nanowi
res and on an array of about 10(6) nanowires. The logarithmic relaxati
on rate S = dM/dln(t) deduced from after-effect experiments is present
ed as a function of both the applied field and the temperature. The fi
eld dependence S(H) is very similar to the distribution of the switchi
ng fields of the nanowires in the array, whereas the field dependence
of the relaxation time of one single nanowire is linear in the time wi
ndow of the experiment. The temperature dependence S(T) of arrays decr
eases with increasing temperature. The measurement on the macroscopic
array is used to infer the thermal behavior of the relaxation time of
single nanowires. This temperature dependence is in conflict viith the
Neel-Brown activation of magnetic monodomains.