Three Fe-rich SmCo5Fex (x = 0, 1 and 2) ribbons were prepared directly by m
elt spinning using a wheel speed of 25 m s(-1). The x = 2 ribbons possessed
the best hard-magnetic properties, intrinsic coericivity 8.2 kOe, saturati
on magnetization 117.72 emu g(-1), and maximum energy product 16.06 MGOe. T
he microstructures were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. T
he x = 0 ribbons showed striated grains with varied compositions, such as S
mCo5, SmCo3, Sm54Co46, etc. In contrast, the x = 1 and 2 ribbons showed cel
lular microstructures. However, the boundary phases were found to be differ
ent, Sm(Co,Fe), for the x = 1 ribbons and both Sm(Co,Fe)(3) and Sm-2(Co,Fe)
(7) for the x = 2 ribbons. The correlation between magnetic properties and
microstructures is discussed in detail. The coercivity mechanism is explain
ed according to the temperature dependence of coercivity by the nucleation
model. In turn, the dependence of the small microstructure parameters alpha
(k) and N-eff on intergrain exchange coupling were analysed in nanoscale gr
ains of SmCo5Fe2 ribbons.