X-ray and neutron diffraction as well as magnetometric measurements perform
ed for HoPtX and ErPtX (X = Si, Ge) compounds indicate that they are crysta
lline and that they have the orthorhombic TiNiSi-type crystal structure. Th
ey are antiferromagnetic at low temperatures. A collinear magnetic structur
e with the propagation vector k = \1/2, 0, 1/2\, stable between 1.5 K and t
he Neel point at 3.1 K is observed in HoPtSi. HoPtGe is paramagnetic at 1.8
K. A collinear magnetic order described by the wavevector k(1) = \0, 1/2,
0\ has been found in ErPtSi and ErPtGe. As the temperature rises this struc
ture transforms in both compounds into a sine modulated one with the waveve
ctor k(2) = \0, k(y), 0\. The Neel points of ErPtSi and ErPtGe are 4.0 and
4.1 K respectively.