This study utilized Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Fli
ght Mass Spectrometry, Thermogravimetric Analysis, Differential Scanning Ca
lorimetry, X-Ray Diffraction, and Dielectric Analysis to assess the viscoel
astic and structural properties of three generations of tert-butyl and meth
yl ester, amide-based dendrimers. The effect of generation number and funct
ionality on glass-transition temperatures and corresponding apparent activa
tion energies, obtained via adherence to WLF behavior, were determined. Bot
h were found to increase with increasing generation number and bulkiness of
terminal functionalities. WLF constants, C-1 and C-2, allowed the determin
ation of free volume, and thermal expansion coefficients, respectively. Sec
ondary transitions, conforming to Arrhenius behavior, were also characteriz
ed and increased in temperature with generation number. The apparent activa
tion energy was greater when the matrix was crystalline. Dielectric relaxat
ion responses were analyzed to yield dielectric strengths of the molecular
relaxations which increased with generation number and were comparable for
both tert-butyl and methyl esters in the glass-transition region. Electrica
l properties of the dendrimers were dominated by ionic conductivity in the
high temperature region. In order to unmask the glass transition, the data
were treated in terms of the electric modulus. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons,