Preservation of the structural integrity of DNA in any organism is crucial
to its health and survival. Such preservation is achieved by an extraordina
ry cellular arsenal of damage surveillance and repair functions, many of wh
ich are now being defined at the gene and protein levels. Mutants hypersens
itive to the killing effects of DNA-damaging agents have been instrumental
in helping to identify DNA repair-related genes and to elucidate repair mec
hanisms. In Drosophila melanogaster, such strains are generally referred to
as mutagen-sensitive (mus) mutants and currently define more than 30 genet
ic loci. Whereas most mus mutants have been recovered on the basis of hyper
sensitivity to the monofunctional alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate,
they nevertheless constitute a phenotypically diverse group, with many mut
ants having effects beyond mutagen sensitivity. These phenotypes include me
iotic dysfunctions, somatic chromosome instabilities, chromatin abnormaliti
es, and cell proliferation defects. Within the last few years numerous mus
and other DNA repair-related genes of Drosophila have been molecularly clon
ed, providing new insights into the functions of these genes. This article
outlines strategies for isolating mus mutations and reviews recent advances
in the Drosophila DNA repair field, emphasizing mutant analysis and gene c
loning. (C) 1999 Academic Press.