Background/Aims: Astronauts exposed to microgravity during the course of sp
aceflight undergo physiologic changes that alter the urinary environment so
as to increase the risk of renal stone formation. This study was undertake
n to identify a simple method with which to evaluate the potential risk of
renal stone development during spaceflight. Method: We used a large data ba
se of urinary risk factors obtained from 323 astronauts before and after sp
aceflight to generate a mathematical model with which to predict the urinar
y supersaturation of calcium stone forming salts. Result: This model, which
involves the fewest possible analytical variables (urinary calcium, citrat
e, oxalate, phosphorus, and total volume), reliably and accurately predicte
d the urinary supersaturation of the calcium stone forming salts when compa
red to results obtained from a group of 6 astronauts who collected urine du
ring flight. Conclusions:The use of this model will simplify both routine m
edical monitoring during spaceflight as well as the evaluation of counterme
asures designed to minimize renal stone development, This model also can be
used for Earth-based applications in which access to analytical resources
is limited.