Considerable concerns exist regarding the quality of parthenogenetically ac
tivated embryos in terms of sufficient numbers of cells comprising the inne
r cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) and the ploidy. Therefore, these t
wo parameters were used to assess the quality of embryos derived from parth
enogenetic activation by using calcium ionophore A23187 (Cal) followed by e
ither 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP, 3.5 hr or 6.5 hr) or cycloheximide (CH
X) plus cytochalasin D (CD). The conventional in vitro (IVF) produced embry
os served as a control. Double staining of the parthenogenetic blastocysts
showed that the total cell number (TC) of embryos from the 6-DMAP 3.5 hr (8
7.0 +/- 5.3) and CHX + CD (79.0 +/- 6.1) groups was not different (P > 0.05
), but was lower than that of control embryos (116.0 +/- 5.8, P < 0.001). T
he mean ratios of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells in the
6-DMAP 3.5 hr group (0.57 +/- 0.04) and the control IVF group (0.50 +/- 0.
02) did not differ significantly. Both were higher than those of the CHX CD group (0.36 +/- 0.02; P < 0.05). Further analysis of chromosomal composi
tions of developing stage embryos at day four after IVF or parthenogenetic
activation demonstrated that prolonged treatment with 6-DMAP for 6.5 hr res
ulted in a significantly lower percentage of diploid embryos and a signific
antly higher percentage of abnormal ploidy embryos compared to treatment wi
th 6-DMAP for 3.5 hr or with CHX and IVF. In conclusion, parthenogenetic ac
tivation of bovine oocytes with Cal followed by 6-DMAP for 3.5 hr could pro
duce better quality embryos in terms of total cell numbers, the number of c
ells allocated to the ICM, and the ploidy of embryos. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss,