The fact that dietary compounds influence the susceptibility of human being
s to cancer, is widely accepted. One of the possible mechanisms that is res
ponsible for these (anti)carcinogenic effects is that dietary constituents
may modulate biotransformation enzymes, thereby affecting the (anti)carcino
genic potential of other compounds. This ambiguous theme is the basis for t
he present paper. The possible effects of enzymatic bioactivation and detox
ification of dietary constituents are discussed using two representative ex
amples of phase I and phase II biotransformation enzymes i.e., cytochrome P
450 and glutathione S-transferase. Furthermore, the impact of genetic polym
orphisms of these two enzyme systems is considered. Although it is very dif
ficult on the basis of the enzyme inducing or inhibiting properties of diet
ary compounds, especially to characterize them as anticarcinogenic, for cer
tain constituents it is acknowledged that they have anticarcinogenic proper
ties. As such, this provides for an important mechanistic substantiation of
the established cancer chemopreventive effect of a diet rich in fruits and
vegetables. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.