Two different experimental methods and a theoretical approach are used to c
alculate Rn-222 fluxes in the soil-atmosphere inter face. As a common exper
imental procedure, an open-faced 30 liters cylindrical container was invert
ed and placed onto the tailing surface with the open face down. After a 24
h period, to balance any possible disturbance, the interior air was analyse
d. One of the experimental methods is based on integrated Rn-222 measuremen
ts of the accumulated air-gas mixture, using solid nuclear track detectors
placed inside the container. The other method is based on spot air samples
using scintillation cells, being the Rn-222 concentration measured in equil
ibrium. The radon flux theoretical values are estimated from the Ra-226 con
tent of the tailings material, determined by gamma spectrometry, and using
the diffusion equation. The series of results obtained by the referred meth
ods were compared.