Distal kidney cells (A6) from Xenopus laevis were cultured to confluency on
porous supports. Tissues were mounted in Using-type chambers to measure sh
ort-circuit current (I-SC), transepithelial conductance and capacitance, an
d to analyse the fluctuation in I-SC. In the absence of apical NaCl, but wi
th normal basolateral NaCl Ringer's solution, extracellular addition of ATP
, oxytocin, a membrane-permeant cAMP derivative, and forskolin produced a t
ransient increase of the electrical parameters. Noise analysis revealed a s
pontaneous Lorentzian component. All responses depend strictly on the prese
nce of basolateral Cl- and are caused by the activation of an apical (CFTR
type) Cl- permeability. Repetitive treatment with ATP (or oxytocin) resulte
d in refractoriness. ATP and oxytocin acted antagonistically, whereas cAMP
and ATP had additive effects. Incubation with the vesicular Ca2+ pump inhib
itor thapsigargin or application of the Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine eli
cited finite but variable Cl- channel activity. After treatment with nifedi
pine or thapsigargin, the response to oxytocin was severely impaired. We sp
eculate that not only cAMP but also cell Ca2+ plays a crucial role in the a
ctivation of CFTR in A6. Ca2+ may be multifunctional but the rise in capaci
tance (apical area) observed with all stimulants strongly suggests its invo
lvement in, and contribution to, exocytosis in the process of the CFTR-medi
ated transcellular Cl- movements.