By histopathologic examination of various organs in 3 normal strains, C3H/H
eN, ICR, and DBA/1J, of mice treated intravenously once with anti-Fas antib
ody (Jo2). we failed to determine any target organ, except the liver, respo
nsible for the acute lethality induced by the Fas/anti-Fas antibody interac
tion. However, we could show the presence of Fas-mediated apoptosis in othe
r organs aside from the liver and normal mouse strain differences in suscep
tibility to anti-Fas antibody. Among these strains, C3H/HeN was the most su
sceptible to the antibody, followed by ICR and DBA/1J. We observed Fas-medi
ated. apoptosis in the liver, spleen, thymus, Lymph nodes, Peyer's patch, i
ntestine, skin, coagulation glands, ovary, uterus, and vagina in all 3 stra
ins and additionally in the epididymides and seminal vesicles in the DBA/1J
strain. We also demonstrated that Fas-mediated apoptosis of small lymphocy
tes in the mantle zone of splenic lymphatic follicles preceded that of the
hepatocytes or thymic cells. Since cellular damage was most severe in the l
iver among all the apoptotic organs in the 3 mouse strains, liver injury in
duced by anti-Fas antibody is speculated to play a significant role in the