Ultrasonographic appearance of the testis and epididymis, and seminal chara
cteristics, with regard to localization of spermatic granuloma were studied
. In rams with spermatic granuloma (n = 9), diagnosed by clinical or ultras
onographic examinations before histopathological confirmation, localization
of each lesion was recorded. Epididymal granulomas, caput and cauda, were
seen as anechoic or hyperechoic areas with a distinct margin with or withou
t a hyperechoic capsule, Granulomas in the testis were microscopic and, the
refore, could not be detected by ultrasonography. Enlargement in the medias
tinum testis was detected in all rams when there were granulomas in the cap
ut. Heterogeneous testis parenchyma invaded by numerous hyperechoic foci, r
epresenting testicular degeneration, was associated with granulomas both in
the epididymis and testis. Ultrasonographic appearance of the lesions did
not differ with regard to season. Seminal characteristics varied between ra
ms. It was concluded that ultrasonographic evaluation may give valuable inf
ormation in the diagnosis of sperm granuloma in the ram.