In the present study, the in vitro effects of peroxynitrite on sperm motili
ty, lipid peroxidation and sulfhydryl content were examined. Sperm percenta
ge motility and movement characteristics were assessed by a computer-assist
ed system. Lipid peroxidation was measured by determining malondialdehyde l
evels using the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) method. Sperm sulfhydryl content
was measured by a spectrophotometric method based on reduction of 5,5'-dith
iobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) by sulfhydryl groups. Percentage motility, move
ment characteristics and sulfhydryl content decreased significantly in pero
xynitrite-treated samples compared to decomposed peroxynitrite-treated samp
les. Lipid peroxidation in peroxynitrite-treated samples was significantly
higher than in decomposed peroxynitrite-treated samples. These results indi
cate that peroxynitrite anion may cause sperm dysfunction through lipid per
oxidation stimulation and total SH depletion.