The frequent use of the fibula free flap for mandibular reconstruction has
served as an impetus to develop a screening test for this flap. This would
detect lower leg vascular disease that could jeopardize the flap or donor e
xtremity. Data would allow a decision whether to pursue further lower leg i
maging versus consideration of an alternative donor site. The ankle-arm ind
ex (AAI) was determined on a prospective series of 62 patients being consid
ered for fibula free flap transfer. An AAI of less than 1.0 was found to be
predictive of a high rate of lower leg vascular disease (by color flow Dop
pler imaging) that would jeopardize the flap or donor extremity. The BAI di
d not detect anomalous vasculature of the lower leg (N = 2). If the AAI is
less than 1, an alternative donor site to the fibula should be considered,
and if it is greater than 1, a color flow Doppler examination of the donor
extremity is recommended.