Soil loss and runoff were assessed in five land units (LUs) of a closed bas
in by means of 18 experimental plots within a 42 month period. Temporal dis
tribution of runoff and erosion was unequal. Among 120 rainfall events reco
rded during the study period, only 15 events caused runoff. Maximum percent
of runoff (79.9%) and maximum specific runoff (19.5 L m(-2)) were produced
by the two events of highest intensity and were recorded in a LU character
ized by a crusted and compacted sandy loam soil. These two events also acco
unted for more than 60% of the total soil loss. Soil loss was negatively co
rrelated to percent of sand in the top soil (r = -0.91 and vegetation cover
(r = -0.69) and ranged from 37.0 g m(-2) (sand) to 1661.7 g m(-2) (clay).