The classical eclipse mapping method, developed by Horne (1985), allows to
get a deeper insight into the spatial structure of accretion disks. Reconst
ructing a two-dimensional intensity distribution from an one-dimensional da
taset of the light curve, the method is not artifact-free and the result de
pends on the used default image. Using simultaneously recorded trailed spec
tra and photometry as a double dataset, we are able to reconstruct accretio
n disks nearly without artifacts. It is possible to resolve structures in t
he accretion disk with very high clarity and reliability. The double datase
t eclipse mapping is applied to the dataset of the cataclysmic variable IP
Peg. The reconstructions show an asymmetric disk with a second spot, opposi
te to the hot-spot of the impact region of the gas-stream in the Doppler-ma
ps which can be now unequivocally assigned in the eclipse-maps to emission
in the acjacence of the hot-spot, to the central part of the accretion disk
and a region opposite to the hot-spat at the outer part of the disk. The p
ossible origin and nature of these features are discussed.