Distraction osteogenesis with external or intraoral devices is an establish
ed method for lengthening human mandibles. In this preliminary study in thr
ee sheep a newly designed, fully implantable electromechanical device for m
andibular lengthening was used. After osteotomy, the device was screw fixed
to the mandible, and the power and control unit was inserted subcutaneousl
y in the neck region. After a healing period of five days, the device was a
ctivated magnetically, allowing calibrated distraction steps of 0.04 mm/h,
resulting in a total of 1.0 mm/day, Over a period of 14 days, a maximum man
dibular lengthening of 13.6 mm could be achieved without transmucosal activ
ation. Depending on stability of the screw fixation, membranous and/or cart
ilaginous bone formation was observed in the callus by radiological and his
tological evaluation. Further experimental research is ongoing to prove the
clinical usefulness of this device.