The connections between the quantum chemical concept of local electron dens
ities and the traditional concept of functional groups of organic chemistry
are explored. The Density Domain criterion of functional groups and the Ad
ditive Fuzzy Density Fragmentation (AFDF) method are the tools for the cons
truction of representative quantum chemical models for both local electron
densities and functional groups. The applications of the method of fuzzy el
ectron density partitioning of molecular electron density clouds to the des
cription of the local fuzzy density contributions of functional groups are
explored. The constraints implied by the recently proven "Holographic Elect
ron Density Theorem" are discussed, with special emphasis on the predictabi
lity of differences in the activity of functional groups of a given type lo
cated within different molecular environments. The special role of symmetry
and symmetry deficiency are discussed, and the deviations from local symme
try, as a diagnostic tool for the assessment of the reactivity of functiona
l groups are explored.