Objectives: Our purpose was to evaluate perinatal mortality in twins and to
investigate factors associated with this mortality. Study design: A prospe
ctive study on the perinatal mortality was performed in the department of S
eine-Saint-Denis, Out of all the perinatal deaths, we have retrospectively
isolated those arising from twin pregnancies. Results: There were 54 twin p
regnancies complicated with perinatal death. The perinatal mortality rate i
n twin pregnancy was 78.0 per 1000 twin babies delivered. Out of 86 twin de
aths, 38 (44.2%) were born before 28 weeks gestation and out of 82 twin per
inatal deaths, 37 (45.1%) weighed less than 1000 g. Chorionicity was record
ed in 44 twin pairs: 21 (47.7%) were dichorionic and 23 (52.3%) monochorion
ic. Finally, out of 48 twin sets there were four (8.3%) monoamniotic pregna
ncies. Conclusions: The present data show that extreme prematurity represen
ts nearly half of perinatal mortality in twins. This study indicates also a
significant proportion of monochorionic placentation among twin pregnancie
s with poor outcome. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights rese