The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a fundamental part of the ver
tebrate immune system, and the high variability in many MHC genes is though
t to play an essential role in recognition of parasites. The Przewalski's h
orse is extinct in the wild and all the living individuals descend from 13
founders, most of whom were captured around the turn of the century. One of
the primary genetic concerns in endangered species is whether they have am
ple adaptive variation to respond to novel selective factors. In examining
14 Przewalski's horses that are broadly representative of the living animal
s, we found six different class II DRB major histocompatibility sequences.
The sequences showed extensive nonsynonymous variation, concentrated in the
putative antigen-binding sites, and little synonymous variation. Individua
ls had from two to four sequences as determined by single-stranded conforma
tion polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. On the basis of the SSCP data, phylogene
tic analysis of the nucleotide sequences, and segregation in a family group
, we conclude that four of these sequences are from one gene (although one
sequence codes for a nonfunctional allele because it contains a stop codon)
and two other sequences are from another gene. The position of the stop co
don is at the same amino-acid position as in a closely related sequence fro
m the domestic horse. Because other organisms have extensive variation at h
omologous loci, the Przewalski's horse may have quite low variation in this
important adaptive region.